Sarina and Emily

True love 255 miles apart

We met on August 3rd, 2016 which is also my birthday. We became instant best friends and we were so comfortable together. I knew she was going to change my world but i wasnt sure how yet. It wasnt until she told me her feelings for me that I realized this was why she came into my life. It took me a while to finally let her in because i have trouble trusting people but she broke down my walls. It was about a month in to our relationship give or take wheni realized she was it she was the one i was waiting for. She was the love of my life, my soulmate, my best friend and my future.

What i love about Sarina Ixsia Cardona: Well I love her beautiful smile that lights up the room and the way he big beautiful brown eyes can make all my problems go away. I love the way you hug me so tight sometimes it cracks my back and i can feel her heartbeat. It is the most comforting thing in the whole world; to have everything you've ever wanted right in front of you.